
Sony zweite Testphase für Authentifizierung abgeschlossen

Sony hat eine gemeinsam mit der Associated Press durchgeführte Testrunde für eine kamerainterne Authentifizierungstechnologie abgeschlossen. Diese ermöglicht die kamerainterne Erstellung einer digitalen Signatur und damit einer „Geburtsurkunde“ für Bilder, mit der sich deren Herkunft nachweisen lässt. Anlässlich der Präsentation der Alpha 9 III hatte das Unternehmen bereits angekündigt, dass die Unterstützung für das C2PA-Format der Content Authenticity Initiative der Alpha 9 III, Alpha 1 und Alpha 7S III per Firmware-Update im Frühjahr 2024 hinzugefügt werden soll.

Sonys Authentifizierungstechnologie versieht Bilder mit einer maschinell erzeugten digitalen Signatur, die die unentdeckte Manipulationen von vornherein verhindern soll. Die digitale Signatur wird im Moment der Aufnahme im Hardware-Chipsatz der Kamera erzeugt. Dadurch werden professionelle Anwender in die Lage versetzt, ihre Inhalte zu schützen und deren Authentizität nachzuweisen. Zudem werden Nachrichtenagenturen im Kampf gegen gefälschte Bilder unterstützt.

Anlass für die Entwicklung einer kamerainternen Signaturlösung war laut Sony die rasante Entwicklung im Bereich generativer KIs. Manipulierte oder gefälschte Bilder sind dadurch immer schwerer zu entlarven, und die Gefahr der Verbreitung von Falschmeldungen, die kaum als solche erkennbar sind, wächst zunehmend. Das schade nicht nur Fotojournalisten und Nachrichtenagenturen, sondern der Gesellschaft insgesamt, so Sony. 

Der jüngste Praxistest von Sony und AP wurde im Oktober 2023 abgeschlossen. Bei dem einmonatigen Test wurden sowohl die Authentifizierung der Aufnahmen als auch der Workflow-Prozess bewertet. Sony arbeitete dabei mit Camera Bits zusammen – dem ​Unternehmen, das hinter dem branchenüblichen Workflow-Tool Photo Mechanic steht. Gemeinsam mit Sony und AP hat Camera Bits eine Technologie für Photo Mechanic entwickelt, die die digitale Signatur der Kamera während der gesamten Bearbeitung von Metadaten bewahrt.

Quelle: Sony

Der Text im Originalformat:
SAN DIEGO – Nov. 21, 2023 – Today, Sony Electronics announces the completion of a second round of testing for Sony’s in-camera authenticity technology with Associated Press. This in-camera digital signature allows for the creation of a birth certificate for images, validating the origin of the content. 
Sony’s authenticity technology provides a machine-based digital signature, removing the opportunity for undetected manipulation at the start. The digital signature is made inside the camera at the moment of capture in the hardware chipset. This security feature is aimed at professionals wanting to safeguard the authenticity of their content and provides an extra layer of security to aid news agencies in their fight against falsified imagery. 
“While the rapid evolution of generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) brings new possibilities for creative expression, it has also led to growing concern about the impact of altered or manipulated imagery in journalism,” says Neal Manowitz, President and COO of Sony Electronics. “The dissemination of false information and images has real world social impact that brings harm not only to our photojournalist and news agency partners, but to society as a whole. We care deeply about this challenge and are committed to using our resources to help solve it. Through Sony’s work on the steering committee for C2PA (Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity), we have helped set the current industry standard for the tracking of editing and manipulation of imagery. Additionally, our in-camera authenticity technology has shown valuable results, and we will continue to push its development towards a wider release.”
“Fake and manipulated images are a major concern for news organizations. Not only do they contribute to mis- and disinformation but ultimately, they erode the public’s trust in factual, accurate imagery,” said David Ake, AP Director of Photography. “We are proud to be working alongside Sony Electronics to create an authentication solution that can help combat this problem.”
Sony and AP’s most recent field test was completed during October of 2023. In this month-long test, both capture authentication and workflow process were evaluated. To accomplish this, Sony partnered with Camera Bits – the company behind the industry standard workflow tool, Photo Mechanic. Alongside Sony and AP, Camera Bits created technology in Photo Mechanic that preserves the camera’s digital signature all the way through the metadata editing process. 
“We appreciate the significant challenge that manipulated imagery poses for our partners, and we are highly motivated to play a role in helping solve it,” says Dennis Walker, President and Founder of Camera Bits. “Photo Mechanic has been used by the photojournalism industry for 25 years and continues to evolve as the industry introduces new technology. We are committed to ensuring Photo Mechanic remains a trusted and authentic workflow solution.” 
Sony’s new in-camera signature and C2PA authentication is planned for release in a firmware update in the newly announced Alpha 9 III, Alpha 1, and Alpha 7S III in the Spring of 2024 i

About Sony Electronics Inc. ​ 
Sony Electronics is a subsidiary of Sony Corporation of America and an affiliate of Sony Group Corporation, one of the most comprehensive entertainment companies in the world, with a portfolio that encompasses electronics, music, motion pictures, mobile, gaming, robotics and financial services. Headquartered in San Diego, California, Sony Electronics is a leader in electronics for the consumer and professional markets. Operations include research and development, engineering, sales, marketing, distribution and customer service. Sony Electronics creates products that innovate and inspire generations, such as the award-winning Alpha Interchangeable Lens Cameras and revolutionary high-resolution audio products. Sony is also a leading manufacturer of end-to-end solutions from 4K professional broadcast and A/V equipment to industry leading 4K and 8K Ultra HD TVs. Visit www.sony.com/press for more information. 
About AP
The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. Founded in 1846, AP today is the most trusted source of independent news and information. On any given day, more than half the world’s population sees news from AP. On the web: www.ap.org. 
About Camera Bits, Inc.
Camera Bits is a pioneering provider of software for professional digital photographers. Technology visionary and President/CEO Dennis Walker founded the company in 1996 with a simple purpose – design powerful, intuitive software that will improve the workflow of the digital photographer: Photo Mechanic®, a photo browser and workflow accelerator that is unmatched in its vast capabilities. To learn more, visit camerabits.com on the web.
Timing for countries and regions may vary. Firmware support for C2PA formats may initially only be available to news agency partners.

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